Steven universe amethyst gem form
Steven universe amethyst gem form

A star can also be seen on the nail of her right index finger. Sugilite's debut outfit has ripped knees shaped like broken/slashed-through stars, similar to Amethyst which was replaced whole stars patches in her post-regeneration outfit.Opal's outfit has a star on the bottom of her drape and stars at each end of her bow's handle.Lapis Lazuli's top is navy on the bottom with a navy triangle right above it, and when combined with her navy pants her whole outfit resembles a star.Peridot's outfit copies the star placements of Steven and Amethyst, by having a pale chartreuse-yellow star on her top, as well as dark green star patches on her knees.Even the Breaking Point has a star on the top. Bismuth's arms have tattoos of black stars with a small triangle underneath while having a huge star on her apron that goes around her waist.Rose Quartz's dress has a star-shaped cutout over her gem, but the star is strangely missing from both her sword and shield.Strangely, Ruby and Sapphire do not have stars on their outfits. Her gauntlets haves yellow stars over the knuckles and on the base, but the stars on the base were removed in her first regeneration. Her current outfit removes the star design but gives her star-shaped visors. Garnet's debut and first regeneration outfits have star designs on the chest.Her whip handle has a star shape at the top. Her current outfit has black star patches on her shorts. Amethyst's debut outfit has star-shaped cutouts over her knees which were replaced by star patches in her next two outfits.Holo-Pearl's current design features a five-pointed star in the same location as Pearl's second outfit.

steven universe amethyst gem form

Her spear has a star shape at the end of the shaft. Her current outfit has a star on the back of her jacket. Pearl's debut and first regeneration outfits both have a yellow star symbol on the chest.Steven's T-shirts have yellow star symbols on the chest, but strangely, there's no star on his shield.As shown in the Temple Gate, the five points of the star represent the 5 main Crystal Gems: Ruby, Sapphire, Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven/Rose Quartz.Most Crystal Gem outfits and weapons have five-pointed stars.3 Lozenge / Rhombus / 4-pointed Diamond Symbols.

Steven universe amethyst gem form